Landscapes of Dark Crystal

I’ve been toying around with Midjourney to make some landscapes. While I was thinking of some ideas for inspiration, I tried making some landscapes based on the movie, The Dark Crystal. This movie (and the follow-up TV series) had a very strong and fantastical visual theme, inspired by the genius of Jim Henson and Brian Froud.

This is a collection of river landscapes that I generated on Midjourney by specifying a “dark crystal style.”

And this is a collection of forest landscapes, also in the Dark Crystal style.

And last, here is a single landscape image of a mountain from Dark Crystal.

mountain in Dark Crystal style
A lonely mountain from Dark Crystal

A quick note on the “featured” image for this post. It’s a combination of two images that I created. The character is an old Gelfling and I placed her in front of one of the forest backgrounds to create a nice composite.